A Prayer for the Quick Return of Khensur Rinpoche Jampa Yeshe
O Son of Shudodhana, supreme Teacher peerless in speech,
O seven Nalanda masters such as Nagarjuna and Asanga,
O Tsongkhapa, crown jewel among the learned of the Land of Snows,
Your disciples and their lineage of masters, grant us auspiciousness.
With loving-kindness (Jampa) and compassion you’re most learned
In showing to the fortunate ones the meaning of the vast scriptures;
Wisdom (Yeshe) unblemished, you’re a glory of teaching and beings;
We offer supplications to you O spiritual teacher.
Due to increasing growth of the five degenerations,
Today the Buddha’s teaching, the root of happiness all beings,
Remains impoverished in meaningful exposition and practice,
May your new emanation appear swiftly for the glory of teaching and beings.
Due to the enlightened aspirations of the Three Jewels and the Ocean of Buddhas,
Due to the power of the purity of ultimate nature of reality,
And due to force of the infallible law of dependent origination,
May all our aspired aims be fulfilled as we pray for.
When the former abbot of Ganden Shartse Norling monastery, venerable Jampa Yeshe, passed away, the following monasteries and Dharma centers asked me to compose a prayer for his quick return: Ganden Shartse Monastery, Phukhang Khangtsen, Kensur Ladrang Phuntsok Choling,Yara and Tsem monasterries, Tibet, Sakyamuni Dharma Center, Malaysia , Sakyamuni Center, Singapore, Gurun Phuntsok Choling Center, Malaysia, Mahakashapa Mahavir, Pune, Phat Quang Temple, Sweden.
So, at their request and on my part, remembering Khensur Rinpoche’s unwavering dedication, devotion and loyalty, the Buddhist monk and a speaker of the Dharma Tenzin Gyatso composed this prayer on 5th August, 2011 – 6th day of the sixth month of Iron-Hare Year, which belongs to the seventeenth Rabjung cyle.
Translated into English by Geshe Thupten Jinpa, a grateful student of Khensur Rinpoche.